Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Big Idea

I guess this idea has been a long time in coming, but it arrived today.  I have accepted the challenge from myself to finish fifty-two quilts this year.  It is already a week into March, I know, but I think it will be possible.  And it may well be essential.

As a long-time collector of fabric, I always think of myself as a quilter.  I have dozens of projects started, and for many others I have a complete --- or nearly complete --- collection of ideas and materials assembled to accomplish what I have in mind.  But the only person who is even a little impressed with this stuff is me.  As long as the creativity is only expressed in my mind, nobody else can appreciate it. 

Frankly, my family is not enjoying this "hobby", and neither is anyone else for whom these generous projects are supposedly planned!  The fabric storage is bursting at its seams, and I continue to think that I need to acquire more fabric to "finish" projects that are not really even begun.  I don't just want to be an idea gal; I need --- and want --- to become a Finisher.

So here it is:  Starting today, I shall work to finish fifty-two quilts this year.  These projects may be of any size, but the edges must be bound or otherwise finished in order to be counted as complete.  Quilts may be tied, hand quilted, or quilted by machine.  They may be kept or donated; given as gifts within or without my family; hung or draped or folded in the car for emergencies.  But they are to be completed by January 1 of 2012.  Projects that I help my children complete shall, for the purposes of this count, count.

The purpose of this blog is to chronicle the progress of the project, and to share photos of the finished quilts.  I confess that I have done poorly at recording life through photos, so this will require figuring out a way to take pictures and post them.  I recognize that all of this will require discipline, because the other responsibilities of life will not just get away and let me take all the time I need to do this:  I still have laundry and dishes and shopping and chauffering for my family, and I still have two little boys at home with me during the days.  My college classes will still require attention, as will the assignments from Marie for her website.  But I have hope that it will help me to clear out the clutter and to organize and beautify my life --- and the lives of others around me.  I think it will.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Daunell! I'm also doing 52 quilts this year! I have until December 21st to finish, and I'm actually keeping on schedule. It's a tough challenge, and it'd be great to have a "52 quilts buddy"!!
